Growave: build strong relations with your customers thanks to a loyalty program

Customers are the key for the success. Brand’s objective is to maximize the economic value of every customer. To achieve that you must create a direct and lasting relationship with them. How can you reach that? The answer is to take advantage of the theory of motivation and expectation: someone will do certain things only if they are driven to obtain a tempting result. Loyalty programs are strictly connected to this theory: a user is more likely to make an effort, such as registering on the site or placing an order, when he will be rewarded (for example through points, bonuses, discounts…).

In this article I’m going to show you the best way to

Growave: loyalty and rewarding program

Growave loyalty & Rewarding program simplify users’ engagement and conversions on the Shopify eCommerce. Thanks to the recent partnership, by creating your app with Shoppy you’ll be able to integrate Growave and maximize the benefits of a Mobile App in combination with a loyalty program.

We are also pointing out that in recent weeks Growave has updated its multi-language function by adding Italian, becoming even easier to use for non-English speakers! So all we can say is “Benvenuto Growave!” 🇮🇹👋

Growave lets your users engage in actions that will benefit your brand in exchange for a reward. Which are the actions that the users can do to receive points?

Account creation:

when the users signup they will receive some points. This may be useful to encourage registration and it may also be a good starting point to increase its customers;

Profile completion:

when the users complete their profile, for example by adding information like birth date, residence or other data, they will receive some points. Brands can take advantage of this action by collecting data about their customers. By implementing that, brands can make better strategic decisions and actions towards the public;

Make an order:

every order a customer make, they obtain a number of points proportionate to the cost. This action benefits the brand this way: the customers are pushed to spend more to get more points, so for the brand results in more revenue;

Leave a review:

when a user writes a review for a purchased product, they receive some points. With this action, the brand will benefit of :approximately 65% of users search online feedbacks or reviews from other users that have already bought the product. These reviews can affect users’ decisions.

Sharing the wishlist:

many customers share their wishlists and, by using Growave, every time users do that they will receive points. This activity can be exploited by brands to increase visibility and attract new customers.


even on their birthday customers can receive points. This way the users will feel important and appreciated. This will make the users even more loyal to the brand.

With Growave you will increase community engagement, rewarding customers with points that can be converted on the Shopify shop or the Mobile App. Points can be converted in:

Ready to grow?

If you have an eCommerce and you are ready to create your own App integrated with a loyalty program to grow your brand, you are in the right place!

Thanks to the partnership between Shoppy and Growave, you can create your app in few minutes and customize the Loyalty and Rewarding programs to build customers loyalty.

Shoppy’s team is ready to support you through every step of the app creation, click here to learn more about Shoppy and to book your free demo!

Click here to discover more about Growave.
